May 27, 2022 | ND of the Month
Dr. Warner started her work in healthcare as a Registered Nurse. This work provided her with great clinical training and experience. After some time, she felt called to work with people in a more preventive role within healthcare and found herself moving to Portland, Oregon to pursue a Doctorate in Naturopathic Medicine and a Master’s of Science in Asian Medicine.
When she returned to Calgary, she started her own clinic in Canyon Meadows in South West Calgary, which recently celebrated its 3rd birthday.
She is one of a few US trained ND’s with a speciality in Chinese herbalism, classical acupuncture techniques, and East Asian Facials. Her focuses include working with sinus/respiratory conditions, autoimmune conditions, digestion/skin conditions, fertility, and women’s hormone balancing.
She is currently enrolled in her mentor, Dr. Heiner Fruehauf’s course on the use of Classical Chinese Medicine and its unwavering ability to heal diseases of these modern times.
Her passions include: tacos, travel, astrology, Qi gong and gardening.
Connect with her today:
587 288 3706
Apr 18, 2022 | ND Spotlight, Blog
Dr. Tim Warwick currently practises at Vive Integrative Health Group in Calgary, AB. He graduated with distinction from the University of Alberta with a Bachelor of Science degree. Inspired through his studies in biochemistry, nutrition, and physiology, he continued his education at the Boucher Institute of Naturopathic Medicine. He is currently a registrant in good standing with the College of Naturopathic Doctors of Alberta and is an active member of both provincial and national professional associations.
With over 10 years of clinical experience, Dr. Tim has been fortunate to work with a wide variety of patients with an even wider variety of health concerns. Dr. Tim takes an integrative approach when assessing and treating his patients, which results in conscientious and well-rounded care. He is a strong proponent of ethical, unbiased, safe and effective treatment strategies.
Dr. Tim devotes many hours every week to continuing education and research in the integrative medicine field. He has received advanced training and certifications in prescriptive authority, emergency readiness, intravenous nutritional therapy, chelation therapy, acupuncture, naturopathic oncology and various injection therapies.
He is especially interested in cardiometabolic health, chronic infections, autoimmune disease, environmental factors in illness, and longevity medicine.
You might stumble upon Dr. Tim hiking or fishing in Kananaskis, playing ice hockey at Winsport, cooking (mostly) delicious meals using his home-grown vegetables, or playing guitar for country/rock artist “Garrett Gregory” at the Calgary Stampede. He is fortunate to have a vibrant personal life and enjoys meeting new people, travelling new places, and challenging himself with new activities.
Stay connected:
Apr 14, 2022 | Blog
The AAND is pleased to welcome Sheila McFadyen as our new Executive Director this April. Sheila brings a wealth of experience in professional association management. She has worked with the Canadian Association of Government Finance Officers, the Canadian Association of Petroleum Production Accounting, CGA Alberta, and the Alberta Accountants Unification Agency, and has spent many years working in the private sector as well. Sheila brings senior leadership expertise in Strategic & Business Planning and Implementation, Education (Post-secondary & Continuing Professional Development), Marketing, Communications, Government Relations, Advocacy, Governance, Member Programming & Services along with Career/Practice Support. Sheila looks forward to working with the board of directors and committees, engaging with membership and advancing the goals of the association.
We are so excited for you to join our team, Sheila!
Nov 4, 2020 | ND of the Month, ND Spotlight
Dr. Eric Arrata, ND, Elite Sport Performance, Calgary
Dr. Eric Arrata completed an undergraduate degree in Molecular Biology at the University of Calgary and worked at the Clinical Research Institute of Montreal before moving to Seattle to study Naturopathic Medicine at Bastyr University.
“Since my early teens I knew that medicine was in my future and I’d be interested in maintaining health in the simplest ways possible. Most of this derives from the understanding that the body is self-correcting and connected to the larger natural world, though this understanding and awareness has largely been lost. A return to health then resides in our ability to remove the challenges to health that we’ve imposed, personally and societally. For the majority of people this is a simple, though not always easy, process. What we eat and drink, how we move and rest our bodies, our exposure to contaminants or toxins, and the health of our relationships all impact how vital and strong we are. So, at the end of the day, my clinical focus centers on lifestyle habits, emotional health, and identifying and removing known toxins or insults to the body.”
“My inspiration arises from being alive and becoming aware of the beauty and wisdom all around us. This may seem trivial or excessively dreamy, yet the truth is that things are always as they are and life isn’t complicated, just our understanding of it is. Knowing that we are all of nature and connected inspires me to aid others in being reminded of this. Then health can follow.”
For Dr. Arrata’s, the most rewarding aspect of his career as an ND is “having a patient arrive concerned about their pain, energy, digestion, mood or what have you, and then leave with a sense of how these symptoms relate to how they have lived their lives. This brings a smile to my face. I feel the saying “you can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink” reflects what we do in our clinics daily. You provide people with a mirror and it’s up to them to accept the truth of the image or not.”
When it comes to work/life balance, Dr. Arrata feels that it is important as an ND to practice what you preach. “Teachings are most effective when they come from experience. One cannot know what it feels like to swim on a mountain stream until one has done so. So, in order to explore altering perspectives and changing one’s habits with patients, I should have had this experience myself. Early on in my career I discovered the things that support me and those that don’t, and I incorporated as many supporting factors as I could professionally and personally. These related to having a schedule that is never too busy, simplifying the various ways in which patients can reach me, maintaining boundaries around my cellphone and social media use, and remembering that family always comes first. I can’t really preach what I don’t practice.”
“Challenges are always plentiful in practice, yet the one that I most need to be aware of is not stretching my knowledge too thin. There are a great many areas of interest I have, that I often need to reel myself in to focus on a select few. I try to enhance those areas that are my “bread and butter” and leave topics that “stretch” the clinical envelope as smatterings, to keep things interesting. This has and likely always will be my greatest challenge since “connecting the dots” is a game I love.”
May 19, 2020 | Blog, ND of the Month, ND Spotlight
I help women choose what works best for their health because ultimately, I trust that they know exactly what they need. Feeling connected is the result of understanding how your body works and having an informed choice.
I currently practice at Vive Integrative Health in NW Calgary focusing on cervical dysplasia, hormonal imbalances, pregnancy & postpartum support, period health, Holistic Pelvic Care^TM, and providing Empowered Paps. Empowered paps are my own version of pap exams designed to put you in charge of your cervical health.
I am one of a few practitioners in Alberta who provide Holistic Pelvic Care^TM – gentle, internal vaginal massage coupled with energetic and emotional balancing techniques. HPC is an excellent treatment for pelvic floor pain, urinary leakage, menstrual pain, painful sex and postpartum healing.
I also provide a unique treatment for cervical dysplasia called escharotic therapy. This technique involves applying a zinc-herbal solution topically onto the cervix to specifically isolate and target abnormal cells. This can be highly effective when combined with lifestyle changes and nutritional supplementation.
I want all my clients to feel that an appointment with me is like coming over for a cup of tea.
Fun Facts about Dr. Kate:
- She competed in her first triathlon in 2014 and is a self-described Triathlon Groupie
- She is a classically trained pianist and singer
- If provoked, she will get into an argument about how Star Trek is superior to Star Wars
- Her favourite musicals are Wicked and The Phantom of the Opera
Stay Connected:
May 19, 2020 | Blog, ND of the Month
Dr. Garry Schafer, ND, Vital Health Naturopathic Clinic, Sherwood Park
This month we are featuring Dr. Gary Schafer, ND a Naturopathic Doctor who has been practicing for 40 years. He is currently practicing at Vital Health Naturopathic Clinic in Sherwood Park.
Dr. Garry Schafer, ND graduated from The National University of Naturopathic Medicine in Portland, Oregon, and has been in practice for over 40 years. “For me, the most important aspect of practicing medicine lies in understanding how to apply the vast amount of evidence-based knowledge to the individual patient. Research only applies to a percentage of people, so how do we apply knowledge to the individual? Since evidence-based medicine has no system, it doesn’t necessarily apply to any individual, and for this reason, doctors turn to systems such as acupuncture, homeopathy, TCM, and kinesiology for guidance. My greatest obstacle throughout my career has been finding a system. For 13 years I feared people coming into my practice and not being able to find an answer. My main piece of advice for other medical practitioners is to find a system that works for you; without a system, we are left guessing. My preferred system is Electrodiagnostics, however, other health practitioner may find another system that works better for them. I have found that many doctors struggle, especially when they are fresh out of school, as they believe that if they fill their heads with more information, then they will have the answers. Yet, more information does not always solve the problem; I believe systemic categorization of knowledge and skills is most important.”
“What inspires me most are my philosophical life understanding of nature and holism, as well as my dad’s experience with cancer. I started off studying philosophical sciences and later sought out education in the physical sciences, including massage and natural medicine. My father was diagnosed with prostate cancer at a very young age. After being sent home to die because the medical profession had nothing else to offer him, he continued to study and work with natural healers. By continually working on himself, he managed to live another 46 years after he was originally sent home to die. This motivated me to pursue an answer to the question: “How can we activate the healing from within?” This is the approach I now take in my practice; the tools themselves, whether acupuncture or any other modality, don’t matter as much.”
“My personal mantra is that I am a servant of the Divine; what can I do every day to be as clear in my intentions as I can? I like to come into my office around 7am every day to do some reading and studying. This meditative time helps me get calm, connect with the Divine, and get ready for whoever needs help that day.”
“I’ve found the difference between a good doctor and an excellent doctor to lie in having practiced long enough to treat four generations or more in the same family. This is one of my biggest achievements, having worked with four generations in about half a dozen families throughout the years. I find it enlightening to see how naturopathic theories carry on from generation to generation. It is truly amazing to see how generation after generation comes back. I once had a young patient who died of brain cancer. The mother took her child’s death very hard. I put his picture up in my office. Many years later, a woman struggling to conceive walked into my office, noticed the picture and shared that the child in the picture had been her younger brother. The woman managed to become pregnant and was able to bring a new child into this world. Finally, after many years of sorrow, the grandmother who had lost her child to brain cancer a long time ago had a new grandson to love and care for. I find stories like these truly amazing.”
Adapted from a phone interview conducted by Annick Meckes on Feb 13th, 2020 If you would like to be apart of our membership spotlight or have an ND you would like to nominate, please email